

このページは 速報ガイド!英語テキスト2015-3 の電子ブックに掲載されている29ページの概要です。


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296【久しぶりに会った2 人の会話です】A: Hi, Taro.B: Hi, Mary. It’s been a while.A: Yes. What have you been up to?B: ( ) How about you?A: Well, I’ve changed jobs. I work for NHK.B: Good for you!a) Can’t complain. b) Fine, thanks.c) It’s my pleasure. d) Not much.7【デートから戻った女性に友人の女性が結果を尋ねています】A: How was your date?B: ( )A: Are you going to see him again?B: I don’t think so.A: Give him another chance.B: Oh, I just got a text from him. It says: “You rock!”A: Obviously, you made a big impression on him.B: I guess so!a) It was beyond compare. b) It was just what the doctors ordered.c) It was nothing to sneeze at. d) It was nothing to write home about.8【昇進試験を受ける社員と同僚の会話です】A: So you’ve been asked to take the promotion exam.B: Yes, and if I pass the exam, I’d like to be transferred tothe Toronto branch.A: That would be nice.B: Yes, but I might be sent somewhere else.A: I see.B: Well, ( ) I first have to focus on my studies.a) I’ll cross the bridge before I come to it.b) I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.c) I’ll burn my bridges.d) to me, that’s water under the bridge.会話・表現問題(  )に入る最も適切なものを選択肢から1 つ選んでください。出題・解説:遠山 顕